Is it necessary to wash your face before going to bed?

  1.  Washing your face removes not only makeup, but the dirt and dust that your face accumulated throughout the day. Makeup clogs your pores and is filled with all the outside elements from the day like dirt, dust, smoke, smog, etc. The make-up acts like a magnet for all of those things.

  2. When you leave your makeup on too long your pores will get clogs and that can lead to large pores, acne, rashes, and irritated skin. That can also cause our skin to feel rough and uneven.

  3. When you don’t remove eye shadow, or mascara, it is possible that you may touch or rub your eyes while you sleep, and that can cause your lashes to break and become brittle. It can also cause some eye irritations and possible infections.

  4. Your face needs to exfoliate naturally by shedding the dead skin, but if your makeup is left on your face, it does not allow that to happen.That can cause a dull appearance, or flaky dry skin that are uneven on your face.

  5. Your skin repairs itself at night and clean skin can absorb skincare products better. Don’t forget that moisturizer! Always apply your clinical products after you wash your face.

If you are just too tired to wash your face before you go to bed, just wash your face right when you get home from work so you don’t wind down and make excuses that you are too tired


Why is it important to wash my skin at night?

  1. It will lessen the amount of oil on the skin, resulting in fewer blemishes –Oil breeds bacteria and bacteria leads to breakouts. By simply removing bacteria from the skin’s surface and within the pores (with targeted pore-clearing ingredients like salicylic acid), you’ll have fewer blemishes. Did you know that touching your face all day long, without intentionally doing so, is making your face one of the dirtiest parts of your body? It’s a fact that bacteria thrives in oil, so why give bacteria a chance to cause blemishes? 

  1. You will have a clean palette so your nighttime products will have maximum effectiveness-your skin goes into repair mode when the sun goes down and the day goes from light to dark. This means that your nighttime products can make a big improvement in the quality of your skin. Of course, as long as you’re applying them to a clean face and washing it before bedtime. Potent ingredients like retinol, prescription retinoids, and peptides can all absorb deeply into the skin to accelerate the metabolism of your cells and send a signal to your skin to act younger.                           Feeling lazy? Perform your nighttime skin care routine earlier in the evening so you get it out of the way before the tiredness sets in.

  1. Clean skin won’t dirty up your pillowcases-Less laundry and better skin? That sounds pretty good. Plus, if you don’t wash your face at night, you are transferring a day’s worth of oil from your hair and face, as well as makeup, onto your pillowcase. If you don’t change your pillowcase daily (which most people don’t), then all of this keeps getting added to your skin each and every night. Clean skin is healthy skin. (Are you into the double cleansing method?

  1. Your skin will be dramatically more hydrated and glowing-The hydrating effects of moisturizer will not last all day. Since moisturizer applied in the morning will naturally evaporate throughout the day (especially in low humidity climates), applying a moisturizer in the evening will give your skin another dose of hydration and nourishment so it will look fresher and be healthier. Skincare ingredients are short-lived, so giving your skin a new application of products at night after washing your face is really beneficial for your cells. If you’re into using a facial oil at night, be sure you’re not using it wrong.

  1. If you have children, you’re setting a good example of self-care-Teaching children the importance of caring for their skin is such a great gift. I’ve heard from so many clients through the years that they wish their mothers would have taught them how to care for their skin starting at a young age. For me, my grandmother was a hairdresser and owned her own salon, and my mother got regular facials all throughout my childhood. This set a great example for me, and I even made a career out of it! The simple act of washing your face at night and applying moisturizer is a way of treating yourself well and with respect, which then can be passed on to your children. Actions always speak louder than words.

There you have it. Five good reasons to cleanse your face before you go to bed so you can have amazing beauty sleep. If you’re needing to know which products are best for you to use in the evening,