How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

Christmas and new year celebration has been over and now it’s time to fix the post party consequences. puffy eyes and face are one of it! Over indulgence of alcohol, sweet and salty food could be the reason of puffy eyes post celebration. Late nights out can aggravate the condition further. Here are few hacks to take care of it!

  • Cucumber – Cucumber is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid. All of them have anti-inflammatory properties. These agents help to reduce puffiness by relieving inflammation. Keep cucumber slice in the fridge for some time and put these cold slices over eyes for around 30mins.

  • Tea bags – Tea bag especially green tea, is rich in anti-oxidants like flavonoids and tannin apart from caffeine. They help to reduce puffiness through their anti-inflammatory action.

  • Frozen spoon – Ice constricts blood vessels, hence reducing flow of fluid into soft tissues around eyes. Keep stainless steel spoon into freezer and apply it gently dab it below the eyes from inside to outside direction.

  • Lemon water – Lemon water is great remedy to nullify effect of alcohol. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is a great anti-oxidant. It helps to neutralise the toxins (free radicals), that accumulate due to consumption of alcohol.

  • Face roller – Guasha, jade roller or ice roller can be used to drain lymphatics around eyes. Gently move them from inward to outward to drain excess fluid collected inside the soft tissue below eyes

  • Take adequate rest – Sleep helps body to recover and remove toxins from your body. While sleeping, body get time to heal itself. Inadequate sleep causes stress on the body, leading to release of cortisol hormone, which causes salt-water disturbances. Hence having adequate sleep is necessary.