Hair care during winter

The cold weather of winter is known to cause dry, dull and frizzy hair, as it zaps out the moisture from hair too. During winter, not only your precious hair strands are at risk of split and breakage due to the dry, cold winter air, but scalp dryness and dandruff can also make conditions worse. But no more worries now! We have tips to cope with these issues successfully and to keep your hair smooth and shiny this winter.

  • Invest Time In Oiling
    Oil massage can be a real boon for your hair during winter. Coconut oil is great for hair. You can opt for aloe vera too. While oiling, concentrate more on the hair shaft, rather than the scalp. Use lukewarm oil. A gentle massage of the scalp with lukewarm oil is sufficient to improve blood circulation. Do not go for a vigorous massage, as it can aggravate your hair fall. Do not leave oil over your hair overnight. A recommended way is to do oiling an hour before the head bath.

  • Limit Head Baths
    Frequent shampooing can zap out the moisture from the hair, by removing its natural oil, secreted by the scalp to keep hair healthy. Use gentle, preferably medicated shampoo, to wash your hair. Avoid using clarifying or dry shampoo, if possible.

  • Take Warm Water Showers
    A hot water shower may be tempting, to beat the chilly weather, but it can have a detrimental effect on your hair. Hot water, open up the cuticle, which digs out natural oils from your hair leaving them dry and frizzy. Lukewarm water is advisable to protect your hair.

  • Take Care Of Your Scalp
    Dandruff is quite common during winter, secondary to dry scalp. Use medicated anti-dandruff shampoo containing active ingredients like salicylic acid, zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, selenium sulfide or coal tar. Dilute it with water and apply it over the scalp. Leave it for 15-20minutes and wash it out thoroughly. Follow it with your regular shampoo to wash your hair strands.

  • Commit To Deep Conditioning
    To fight against fizziness during winter, do indulge in using a hair mask for deep conditioning, once a week. Not only can they reverse the effects of dryness, but are an excellent preventative measure to ensure that your hair is at an optimal level of health

  • Avoid Heat Styling Products
    As hair is quite fragile during winter, the heat from heat styling tools like straighteners, blow dryers and curlers can break your hair and cause split ends. Limit the use of these heating tools and always use a heat-protectant serum before opting for them. Use these devices at minimum heat setting, whenever required.

  • Trim hair regularly
    Split ends are quite a common concern during winter. The cold weather, woollen caps, and hot showers are major causes to mention. Trim your hair every four to eight weeks. This keeps your hair looking fresh in the winter. Trim your hair half an inch off the bottom to remove dry, split ends.

  • Cover Your Hair
    Though the cold in winter leaves no other option than pulling out your woollen hats but be cautious before using them. Woollen fabrics can make hair more frizzy, leading to split ends and breakage. It is advisable to use a silk or satin scarf to cover your hair first and layer it with cotton or woollen fabrics to protect your hair from the cold air.